Ashtrees Nursery – Tree Nursery in Leeds
It is estimated that there are 33 types of tree native to Britain. These are the trees that colonised Britain during the ice age. Trees such as the Silver Birch, Yew Tree, Beech Tree, White Willow, Field Maple, Ash Tree to name a few that people would more commonly know.
Are you looking to plant native trees?
Ashtrees Nursery is a Leeds based Tree Nursery business who specialise in the production of cell grown native trees and shrubs in Rootrainer cells. Rootrainers are small, individual containers that help stop root spiralling that can be associated with plants grown in the more traditional round plant pot. Where ever possible we use locally collected seed or British seed sources of known provenance. This ensures that local biodiversity is maintained and that the trees and shrubs that we grow are suited to the final planting place.
Native Tree Suppliers UK
Some of the popular trees we are asked for are: Noble Fir, Nordman Fir, Field Maple, Norway Maple, Sycamore, Italian Alder, Common Alder, Grey Alder, Silver Birch, Downy Birch, Hornbeam, Sweet Chestnut, Common Dogwood, Hazel, Quickthorn, Hawthorn, Spindle Tree, Common Beech, Copper Beech, Holly, European Larch, Hybrid Larch, Crab Apple, Norway Spruce, Sitka Spruce, Scots Pine, Wild Cherry, Bird Cherry, Black Thorn, Sessile Oak, English Oak, Wild Rose, White Willow, Goat Willow, Crack Willow, Common Whitebeam, Rowan, Yew, Western Red Cedar, Small Leaved Lime, Broad Leaved Lime, Western Hemlock, Wayfaring Tree, Guelder Rose.
Our seed is obtained from and grown in the U.K. whilst this is more expensive than seed imported from abroad, it does mean that the trees that we produce are free of Ash Die Back and are suitable for the U.K climate.
Cell grown plants have slow release fertilizers added to the growing medium, this helps the tree in the 1st few years after planting, the growth and health of the tree is greatly increased compared to bare rooted plants. Our plants are grown in a controlled environment, compact and even growth is achieved and results in stock that is easier to plant than bare rooted trees. We do not cut the roots off our trees, they are not damaged by heavy machinery and the plant is supplied with all the roots that it had throughout its time on the nursery resulting in a more fibrous root system, giving you better establishment success.
Many of our customers now solely use cell grown plants. If you decide to do the same we are sure that you won’t be disappointed.
read more about Cell grown trees